More About Hiking, Backpacking and Camping on a Budget

In a previous post I presented some ideas on how to do a long distance hike on a limited budget. This post will expand somewhat on that previous article.

Home away from home

I’m sure those readers who have done some long distance backpacking on the long trails are familiar with hostels, what they are and what purposes they serve. But for the reader who may not have done any long distance hiking let me explain what a hiker hostel is. Quite simply put a hiker hostel is similar to a small hotel that caters specifically to the long distance backpacker. They are generally much less expensive to use.

Most hiker hostels have private rooms available but this is about hiking on a budget so the private rooms probably won’t apply to you. The most commonly used is the “bunkhouse” in which several to maybe up to a dozen or more hikers share a space with stacked bunks and usually in a small space. this doesn’t provide much in the way of privacy but it is generally much less expensive than the private rooms. If you want the cheapest possible overnight stay at a hostel most have provisions to set up your tent on the property.

Either option you use will almost always provide access to a common area indoors to hang out with other hikers to socialize and exchange trail stories. This can be quite entertaining and you can meet new people and possibly make some lifelong friends. In fact, some hikers have met their future spouses on the trail, many times at a hostel. I personally know one couple who met on the Appalachian Trail, fell in love and became married soon afterwards.

There are also meals available and at many hostels your meals are included in you stay cost. Also, some hostels provide “work for stay” opportunities.

Almost all provide shuttles to a resupply point in a nearby town and many even have a resupply store on site. Normally the shuttle to resupply and or to a local restaurant will provided free of charge.

Also if you use electronics such as a phone (most do) or a GPS and emergency satellite communication device, which are becoming increasingly popular. provisions are normally furnished to recharge your electronics. And of course the very first thing a hiker usually wants after a week or more on the trail is a shower, which many times is included in the price of your stay or for a small additional fee.

Stay tuned for more ideas on long distance backpacking on a budget in the near future and of course many other topics will be covered.


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Published by Snow Cream

Hello again. I'd like to introduce myself a bit more. I'm a 69 year old male married to a lovely Thai woman and currently living in Thailand until such time as we get finished with Immigration proceedings and get a Green card for my wife, Ranya Gillespie. At that time I will be returning to my native foothills of western North Carolina, USA. I look forward to returning and doing more hiking and backpacking with my wife, who is new to hiking but is open to it.

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